제5회 평택국제사진축전 '바깥展' 작품 공모


평택호 예술관 일원에서 펼쳐지는 야외 전시인 평택국제사진축전 바깥展(대회장 황길연)에서 참여작을 공모한다. 한국사진작가협회 평택지부가 주관하는 이 축전은, 100명 내외의 국내 참여작가와 국내 초대작가, 해외작가들이 함께 전시를 구성한다. 전시 외에도 심사를 통해 수상자를 선발하여 시상할 예정이고, 접수기간은 7월 1일부터 7월 31일까지이다. 출품 방법은 바깥展 웹하드를 통해 작품 파일을 제출하면 된다. 자세한 사항은 바깥展 공식 카페(cafe.naver.com/ppipf)

2021 the 5th Pyeongtaek

International Photo Exhibition



Outdoor Space Photo


Application period : July 1st, 2021 (Monday) ~ July 31st (Friday)

How to apply

5 pieces of your work file via webhard (https://only.webhard.co.kr/)

- JPEG format of less than 10MB and no more than 4,000 pixels per piece (No other files can be accepted)

- Display of 5 Pieces (Portfolio Composed)

- Attach an entry table in Naver Cafe's "Outdoor Space Photo" search archive

WEDHARD ID: SIN 2021 Password: 7777


General Information

- Before submission make sure your profile(picture attachment required), exhibition file, and etc. should be compressed

- 100 Korean participating artists

- 20 Overseas participants

- 3 Korean guest artists

- 2 overseas guest artists


When to exhibit : October 8th, 2021 (Friday) ~ October 28th

Venue : Pyeongtaekho Arts Center

(Address: Pyeongtaekho-gil, Hyeondeok-myeon, Pyeongtaek-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea)


Participating Artist Benefits

- 5 pieces of exhibition photos displayed(printed out) will be provided

- 3 pieces will be included in the collection of work

- Certificate of Participating Writer will be awarded

- Writer of the Year Award will be invited to the next exhibition (scheduled)


2021 Topics

- Emotions and Tranquility

Photos that stimulate emotions and make you feel comfortable

(No limited genre)



- Disposal of works after exhibition due to an outdoor event

- Civil and criminal rights, such as portrait rights, shall be held by the participating artists



- Hwang Gil-yeon Mobile 010-9072-7956

- Chairman Kim Yong-hwan Mobile 010-5380-2918 

글: 함정재 기자, 이미지 제공: 한국사진작가협회 평택지부
게재일자: 2021-06-28 17:44 수정일자: 2021-06-28 17:44
월간「사진예술」 무단전재·재배포 금지